Introducing Chaac Ventures’ 2020 Summer Analysts

Bayo Okusanya
4 min readJul 20, 2020


At Chaac Ventures, one of our core tenants is engaging with and inspiring the next generation of Princeton founders.

One way we do this is with our summer internship program which gives students firsthand exposure to venture capital, often for the first time.

Throughout the summer, members of our internship program support our team by conducting market research and due diligence, connecting with startup founders and evaluating their companies, and working on projects that help refine Chaac’s investment strategy.

To that end, we are very excited to introduce Chaac Ventures’ 2020 Summer Analysts.

This year, we selected four applicants chosen from a group of talented students (here’s a look at our 2019 Summer Analyst team).

Please join us in welcoming Justice, Natalie, Cathal, and Aron.

Justice Chukwuma, Class of 2022

  • High School: Deerfield Academy
  • Academic area of focus: Mechanical Engineering
  • On campus, Justice is involved with the Men’s Rugby Club and Campus Recreation.
  • Favorite class at Princeton: MAE 206 — Introduction to Engineering Dynamics
  • My favorite experience at Princeton thus far: The Princeton Rugby team winning a tournament, beating Westchester and University of Delaware back to back.
  • What areas of tech / VC are you most excited about: “I am most excited about AR/VR and autonomous vehicles.”
  • Fun Fact: “I can jump over my own leg.”

Natalie Lynch, Class of 2022

  • High School: Newton North High School
  • Academic area of focus: Economics & Finance
  • On campus, Natalie is involved in Business Today, Entrepreneurship Club, Service in Style, and Women’s Club Lacrosse.
  • Favorite class at Princeton: WWS 370 — Ethics and Public Policy, and her favorite entrepreneurship professor is Shahram Hejazi (EGR 395: Venture Capital and Finance of Innovation)
  • Favorite entrepreneurial experience at Princeton thus far: staffing Business Today’s International Conference, which includes the Impact Challenge, a seed-funding competition for student social entrepreneurs.
  • What areas of tech / VC are you most excited about: “The areas of tech I’m most interested in are FinTech and MedTech.”
  • Fun Fact: “I have a silver lab!”

Cathal Roberts, Class of 2022

  • High School: San Ramon Valley High School
  • Academic Area of Focus: Politics, International Relations
  • On Campus, Cathal is on the Men’s Lacrosse team.
  • Favorite Class at Princeton: CEE 262 Structures and the Urban Environment
  • My favorite experience at Princeton thus far: volunteering and working with the Neighborhood Center in Camden during my Princeton orientation. I was able to meet some amazing people through the program and I found that it was a perfect introduction to Princeton University. The week that I spent volunteering for the Neighborhood center allowed me to cultivate friendships with other incoming freshmen from unique backgrounds while providing an opportunity to work with the community of Camden, New Jersey.
  • What areas of tech / VC are you most excited about: “…the intersection of the healthcare industry with artificial intelligence. I think that there is a lot of potential for artificial intelligence, automation and machine learning to radically transform the healthcare industry.”
  • Fun Fact: “I love hiking and visiting national parks.”

Aron Schwartz, Class of 2022, University of Southern California

  • College: University of Southern California
  • Academic Area of Focus: Business Administration Emphasis in Finance & Entrepreneurship
  • On campus, he is looking to propel USC’s start-up ecosystem to its full potential, utilizing the resources that many of the on-campus clubs and organizations have to offer. His goal is to help double the number of innovative tech start-ups to come out of USC before he graduates.
  • Favorite Class at USC: ENGL 174-Reading the Heart: Emotional Intelligence, and his favorite Business class is Communication Strategy (BUAD 302).
  • Favorite Entrepreneurial Experience at USC Thus far: Integrating with many young entrepreneurs at USC and beginning to form connections with colleagues that have inspired me to start my own company.
  • What areas of tech / VC are you most excited about: “I am currently most excited about venture capital that looks to invest in collegiate ecosystems, leveraging resources and networks from the university.”
  • Fun Fact: “I have an identical twin.”

